Burgdis walked slowly, so as not to stagger in her steps. At this rate, she wouldn't find any food or shelter. This is my luck, this is my luck! she thought bitterly. Burgdis shook her head warily, and just went along with the fact. She had gotten better at balancing herself through each year of getting older. She didn't walk completely straight, and her paw prints looked like a jagged array mocking of a straight line. She rolled her eyes and walked even faster. Her pace was even, but her feet began to trip. She grew annoyed, and stomped her foot. Burgdis sighed, and sat down. She saw a herd of caribou and licked her chops. I'm so hungry. she thought. Her mouth watered, and with that, she began running. Her twisted paw(from which caused her staggering step), worked with her straight paws. She ran beautifully, and she loved every minute of it. She quickly caught up with the herd and smiled. She sped up in her pace and ran at attack-speed. She spotted a old moose, staggering to keep up with the herd. She seperated him and chased him far and wide. She caught up to him and jumped onto him. Burgdis sank her fangs into his neck. She ripped at it and snapped the life pumping artery in half. She quickly jumped off and watched as the moose staggered down. She ran up to it and took in a few deep breaths from her effort and began to eat.