Wolf Life; How will you live yours?

How will you live yours?

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“May your heart and spirit always be light.”

If you're reading this, then you're either on a nostalgia trip (like myself at the time of writing this) or you've stumbled across this old place somehow. Either way, I (Penman98) started this website way back in 2008 when I was 10 years old at the downfall of its predecessor, Friends Forever (or as it was later known, Wolves of The Dawn) with the help of some once-dear friends. It's absolutely insane to think of how many memories have been made on this website, both for myself and for some of the others that I was close with. Some of us managed to keep in touch for a little while after this place died (Funishment - If you know, you know) but most of us have traveled our separate paths. I guess there's some sort of charm in the idea of one of my old, old friends searching this place up and reading this little epitaph of sorts.

If anyone that I knew back in the day happens to stumble across this and has the urge to get back in touch for any reason, don't hesitate to send me an email at evantande@gmail.com.

Signing out for the last time,



Please welcome Wolf Life's newest staff members Winterwolf and Dreamfall!
Because I don't have the time to constantly edit it, I've made it so that you may reply to the Player/Character Listing with your missing information so that it can be added more quickly. -WildWind
Please remember to read the rules thoroughly before you begin role playing here. I've noticed lately that some of you tend to break rules eleven and twelve (sometimes quite often); this is not okay. They are rules for a reason. -WildWind
Hey guys and girls, Penman98 here. Something bothering me recently is first-person roleplaying. Please roleplay in the third-person.
Please remember to post a topic in the Claiming Grounds and await approval before posting a pack topic if you want them to own a territory. Nomadic packs or those that just wish to live somewhere instead of claiming are still a-okay for a pack topic without approval. -WildWind

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Rules & Info

Please come here and read all of our expectations before you join. Come by often to check up on our rules, as they may be updated at any time without notice.
22Main site rules...
October 15th 2013, 3:54 pm
Penman98 View latest post
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When something's been updated, a thread will be posted here about it. Feel free to comment on the updates and the like here.
1934Topic Archiving...
June 4th 2014, 8:45 pm
WildWind View latest post
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Read the story of the world within Wolf Life here.

Claiming and Characters

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Character Area

Come here to create your characters. The character must be accepted by a staff member before you are able to role play.
No new postsAccepted Wolves, No new postsAccepted Humans
August 16th 2016, 3:50 pm
Winterwolf View latest post
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Claiming Grounds

Here is where you can claim a territory for your character. Please be sure to read the pinned thread within, it will solve most all of the questions you may have.
No new postsTerritory Battles
40104Lunar Plains
July 28th 2015, 8:38 am
Shyra View latest post

The Plains

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Sleeping Field

This field is large and wide, full of tall grasses that hold a yellow-like hue. Some trees hang over the plain, giving shade to all who inhabit it. At times you can find some scattered rocks, but if you do happen to find one or two they're usually small and easily breakable. The ground here is soft and easy to dig in, making it the perfect place to dig out a den for wolves and various types of small mammals alike.

Territory of the Field Pack.
4250Back to where it...
July 27th 2015, 8:42 am
Shyra View latest post
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Rabbit Lake

This lake covers a good half a mile or so of land, stretching over a large field that's right beside the Sleeping Field, and has a small forest surrounding its banks. The trees vary from evergreen to evergreen, you never really see anything more than a pine. In the spring, rabbits come here as their breeding grounds, making this a perfect place to catch a meal or two for a new litter of pups. Plus, in the water are various kinds of carp, trout, and bass.

Territory of the Silver Stars Pack.
31036A terrible way t...
October 30th 2015, 3:33 pm
Goldenashes View latest post

The Forest

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Dense Woods

Wolf Life; How will you live yours? Ao5qtw
These woods are filled with a countless number of trees, ranging from sapling to fifty-year-old full grown trees. When you're not in a clearing, hardly any light is available in midday due to the large number of trees that block the sunshine from lighting the paths. Lots of prey thrives here, ranging from the adult deer to the young mouse.

Territory of the Shadow Pack.
9358Hund goes huntin...
July 26th 2015, 5:03 pm
Shyra View latest post
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Waterfall Lagoon

This beautiful lagoon lies right in the middle of Dense Woods, though is much more open than its neighbor. A large waterfall rushes down the high cliff and splashes into the nearly clear pool of water below. A few rocks sit right at the bottom of the falls, and can actually be climbed up if you're willing to. Several species of fish live in the water, such as bass, carp, and trout. On land, many of the same creatures living in the surrounding forest come to drink so a large variety are available.

Territory of Scar and Titus.
6134Weaknesses and T...
January 27th 2015, 8:58 pm
Goldenashes View latest post

The Shores

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Ocean Meet

Here, upon the soft sands of the Ocean Meet, waves crash onto the shore with calm and gentle breaths. The air smells greatly of seawater, and the plant life is fairly small. The ocean water is undrinkable, but a small stream from the mountains flows into the salty waters. The only real prey here is the hard-shelled cretaceans on he land, and some fish in the blue depths of the sea. But, predators should be careful, for some of the fish are poisonous.

Territory of Darkmaw.
5130The watery depth...
January 26th 2016, 11:36 am
Silver Wolf View latest post

The Lands of Ice

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Freezing Forest

This forest is cold, making it appear frozen and unlivable. Trees are always coated with a layer of ice and snow, but the ground is sometimes found as bare dirt or patches of grass. Even with the cold temperature, various species of animals live here. Arctic hares, caribou, and moose are the most common of prey items. Predators such as foxes and bears are also found here.

Territory of the WhiteFire Pack.
5544Tongues of Fire ...
May 4th 2016, 8:22 pm
Goldenashes View latest post
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Frozen Creek

A slow-flowing, cool creek that lies in the very heart of Freezing Woods. Various parts of the creek have a thin layer of ice, and is unstable to be walking on. However, the water is so cold that swimming across isn't a good idea either, as you'd die of the cold in just a few minutes. Other than that, the only way across is to travel to the even colder part of the forest and creek and jump across the thin trickle of water flowing through. But, besides the dangerous cold, it is a great source of water for many types of wildlife.

Territory of the Yukiokami Pack.
9498A lone wolf amon...
April 29th 2015, 4:25 pm
Silver Wolf View latest post

Human Outskirts

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Hunting Grounds

The hunting grounds is where humans come, for sport, to hunt various animals. The most common one would be the deer, though moose, fox, and elk are also hunted. Due to wolves having increased their population, they are also being tracked. This place would most likely be certain death if a wolf were to come here. Humans, on the other hand, only do it to help them survive, though some just want a trophy to hang on their wall.
11The bear trap
June 1st 2014, 9:08 pm
Goldenashes View latest post
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Various farms, both animal and crop, are scattered over miles and miles of countryside. Sheep are slow and easy catches, and cattle aren't much different. However, wolves should be careful here, as many ranchers carry guns with which to rid themselves of their livestock-killing pests. Nevertheless, many still come here for a near-effortless meal.
6208Dieing hope
April 2nd 2015, 3:48 pm
Silver Wolf View latest post


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Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone, a place where wolves and various other creatures are protected from hunting and slaughter. With all four seasons, grass dies and grows in an even pace, trees losing leaves in winter and growing back in spring. A large area called The Burn lies in one section of the park is where a large amount of trees were killed in a fire, and still appears as a wasteland today. A large creek runs though one area, and a waterfall is also included. A very popular spot for human tourists is the Old Faithful Geyser, though is dangerous for any wolves.

Territory of the Yellowstone Wolf Pack.
4242Ruff on the outs...
September 23rd 2014, 5:30 pm
Goldenashes View latest post
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Cheyenne, a place where wolves dare not to roam. Many are either hit by cars or buses, or even trains; sometimes even captured by animal control and euthanized. However, many garbage bins and occasional litter, making this an easy place for quick and painless food. On the other hand, many homes and apartments, with various restaurants, movie theatres, and all the other essentials of a city are here. A particuarly popular place is a little diner downtown, with good food and service.
3296Jack & Nalie
July 27th 2015, 12:25 pm
Dreamfall View latest post


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A large city within the state of Florida, it is full of tall buildings and humans. Wolves should try and stay away, because Animal Control among various other reasons are very dangerous to meddle with.
23If you don't lik...
September 6th 2014, 5:33 pm
edme123 View latest post
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The Marsh

These wetlands are full of various species of birds, from cranes to crows. Several different types of fish are found in the murky depths, but most only found in the deeper water. The sky is usually a gray in colour, and rain is something that happens often. At times the sun can be seen, though, but makes the already-humid air ever warmer. Alligators also lurk here, so be warned.

Territory of Bright Eyes.
25Where All Ends M...
October 16th 2014, 1:17 am
Neverland View latest post

Lands of the Loners

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Moon Cliff

At the very edges of the loners' lands, Moon Cliff rises over the ocean. It is a beautiful place, especially when a full moon has risen in the sky. Although the cliff doesn't look climbable, the opposite side is easily reached and flat; the perfect place to gaze at the moon. Everything here seems peaceful, sounds nothing but the soft movement of the ocean waves and the occasional breeze.
5230A pup walking ar...
December 3rd 2015, 5:37 pm
Striker(lonewolf) View latest post
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Forest of Mist

Mist lingers around the tops of trees, and some have even collapsed, though don't let that make you think they are good landmarks. Wolves and humans alike easily are lost in these woods. Everything looks like everything else. Prey, like everywhere else in the loner lands, is scarce; wolves are forced to fight to survive, and many die of starvation.
81106Misshapen Figur...
June 20th 2015, 2:17 am
Winterwolf View latest post
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Lunar Plain

The lunar plain is where wolves come commonly to mate, as the beautiful moon seems to always be full here. Soft, lush, grass lays across the ground, where scattered lunar flowers lay awaiting to bloom until night. When it is night, and the moon shines down on the plain, all of the flowers open in full bloom; the most beautiful sight to see in all the lands.
8142What happened to...
July 26th 2015, 4:58 pm
Shyra View latest post


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4994The Foxes Den (F...
May 4th 2015, 4:21 pm
LoneFemale View latest post
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Suggestions & Complaints

Suggest things for the site or tell us what you think should change.
November 21st 2015, 12:33 pm
Winterwolf View latest post
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Alternate Role Plays

For unique role plays with little or no connection to Wolf Life.
7478The White Lotus ...
November 28th 2015, 6:09 pm
Goldenashes View latest post
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General Discussion

Talk about anything else here, so long as it follows the rules.
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781268Well...Ilooked i...
June 2nd 2019, 2:27 am
Goldenashes View latest post
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Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself here!
70246Somone delete my...
August 17th 2015, 2:22 am
Winterwolf View latest post
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Are you going to be gone for several days? Will you be inactive for a long period of time? Do you know why you are leaving? Come here to tell us why you will be leaving.
December 26th 2014, 3:49 pm
Winterwolf View latest post
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28814613Desi serches for...
June 4th 2014, 8:15 pm
desianey View latest post

Wolf & Pack Management

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Pup Hope

Want some puppies of your very own? Come here, fill out the form, and we will let you know whether it was sucessful or not, then give you the info on the pups.
1851Hoping for pups...
April 21st 2014, 8:56 am
Dreamfall View latest post
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Pack Information

This is where you can post a thread for your pack containing ranks, members, how to join, what territories that pack owns, and so on. You can also create a thread just for a pair of mates to list them and their pups and the territory they have.
15132The shadow pack ...
September 12th 2014, 5:50 pm
Dreamfall View latest post
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Have spare pups or don't want a character any more? Put them up for adoption here, and perhaps someone will take them.
July 7th 2015, 5:46 pm
clpurvis0404@gmail.com View latest post
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