Silence to this whispering I hear.

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 Silence to this whispering I hear.

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` pup


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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2014, 8:09 pm

Kistara wasn't looking for company, not necessarily anyway. She was simply doing her rounds in the loner's territory when she happened upon this plain. The stars were bright in the sky and the moon was full, its light cast across the sweet, dew covered grass. It seemed like a feat to not just wander this place; the grass was so keen against her paws compared to the hard and mist covered forest she had just made her way though. The whistling wind was so perfect against her face and the flowers bloomed so beautifully. How could she just leave? Her chestnut gaze glided across the scene, her nose flaring as she inhaled the scents of all the flowers. She was taking slow and deep breaths, savoring the scent of what this was. In silence she took light paw steps across this land, walking slowly through the bushels of flowers that sprouted up just about everywhere. The best this about this place was that nobody else seemed to be here to intake its awesome elegance. Prancing around the fields Kistara did not care to keep her guard up for any other wolves. "A lovely place for lovely flowers," she muttered to herself softly, her tone carrying a warm feeling as she let her head be lowered to another flower that yielded a wonderful scent.

hexadecimals / actions #7E587E speech #583759
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2014, 9:05 pm

OOC: Sorry for taking so long.

Even though Winsong didn't necessarily like being on the Lunar Plain, sometimes he felt that he needed to explore the areas he had left untended by his presence. His pleasant gaze swept across the plain dotted with flowers. The moon was magnificent and it's beauty as captivating as ever. His jet black nose crinkled as he took a deep breath of the cool, moist air of night. He exhaled in a wistful sigh. The midnight view on the plain always aroused the pale silver male. Which is why he always disliked it, it seemed to manipulate his own feelings just by how the light was caught in the dark blue sky. He sighed in exasperation. 'That's too bad...It looks too pretty to leave alone.' He finally stood, deciding to leave. He'd had enough of the feelings that were toiling inside him. He turned on his heel, and his paws shuffled through the tall grass with quiet rustles. The disgustingly sweet scent of flowers covered up any other presence around him. Another thing that Winsong found dislike towards, but it wasn't enough to cover up the other dazzling white pelt on the plain. He paused, staring in silence at the other wolf. He couldn't tell if it were a she-wolf or not, but her actions seemed to scream of her feminity. He smiled gently and called out a small greeting. "A very nice night, isn't it?"
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` pup


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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2014, 9:26 pm

Just as her neck lifted from the flower a surprising new voice entered her ears. It was to her own surprise that her fur had bristled and her muscles tightened as her chestnut gaze swept across the plain, scanning for this wolf. It wasn't long until she spotted it and her ears became erect against her skull, her muscles calming and fur lowering as she prepared herself for what was to come. "It is a very beautiful night indeed," she replied to him in her naturally sweet voice that carried some kind of allure to it. She twisted her body a degree to face him, her chest still not fully turned. The sound of childish laughter filled the air when Kistara's muzzle dropped open to release the sound as a reaction to the male. For some reason Kistara was amused with the fact that this man had chosen to greet her and she had the irresistible impulse to show that. Her jaws snapped shut with a click when the laughter ended and a somewhat stern expression appeared on her face. She dared not to approach as he could be hiding some sort of evil behind that gentle smile of his.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2014, 9:49 pm

The she-wolf's first reaction almost made him huff in irritation. He thought she was another 'spunky' she-wolf, always trying to get by with a tough exterior, but once her mysterious chestnut eyes turned on him, all signs of wary surprise melted away. He greeted her eyes with a soft smile that had wound it's way onto his muzzle. Her reply appeared femine, and as she turned, her muscles rippled under her nearly spotless pelt, but neither were they very prominent. 'A femine hunter.' He said in a mental note. Her slender form showed qualities of a hunter, which didn't exactly surprise him. Most she-wolves were built that way.
Her words were caries on a sweet breeze, nauseatingly kind. Her agreement was replied with another smile and an almost soundless grunt. The faint dark spots on her face came into clarity as she turned more towards him. A spark of laughter filled his ears, but it was more from amusing entertainment, than the flirty greeting more females showed. 'Now isn't that a surprise?' He said his smile growing slightly wider, but her expression turned hard. He hummed thoughtfully, before speaking again. "And what's a she-wolf like yourself doing out here? Isn't a big trip like that hard on the body?" He asked, a note of worry in his voice.
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` pup


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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2014, 10:17 pm

Kistara inhaled heavily and let out a easy laugh just before she exhaled heavily, her chest rising and falling as she slowly did this. "Stamina is my strong point," she echoed back to him. That once stern look to her face grew into a soft and very feminine grin as she looked back at him, noticing his smile grow wider but a still a small tint of worry in his voice. "There's no need to worry about little ole me; I fair fine with long distance and only need short breaks to keep myself going," Kistara replied in reassurance. This male seemed quick. What if he caught onto the little plan she had been brewing? The princess was walking on thin ice when she turn fully toward him, ears still keenly forward and nostrils flaring as she inhaled large breaths of his scent. She stretched a leg forward and placed her paw swiftly to the lush grass and then took a few more steps forward to him. In a matter of seconds she was only a few feet away and was sitting back on her haunches. She looked over his glimmering white pelt, much like hers. Kistara's coat had always been silky and soft to the touch, each hair strung perfectly away from each other to form a blanket of pelt that covered her skin. This male (or at least to her) looked like he should be a prince or someone of royalty. He looked so elegant with that glimmering silver coat of his. Kistara just wanted to stare at him and compare their bodies; see how much alike they seemed and to what degree they were different. For a second it seemed as if she were in some kind of a trance as she gazed up and down his body with her softened chestnut gaze.

"My name is Kistara. What might I call you?" she finally spoke, eyes finally landing to his face.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 26th 2014, 10:47 pm

His periwinkle eyes glittered as he studied the white fae. Her words stayed true to her physique, but that didn't convince him her trustworthiness. The earlier laugh had inspired interest, and his peaked interest called for harsher observations and a more wry way of contact. The dab of worry didn't seem to change the she-wolf's way of speaking, but her face did change. It returned to the soft smile he had seen earlier. However, he doubted that was by his works, she seemed quite independent at the moment. He finally decided to reply, and dipped his head slightly in a casual greeting. "If that is what you say, madam." He said with a laughing smile. The she-wolf began to pad toward him. Her foot steps sounded harsh with his overactive ears, but he showed no signs of being ruffled by it. Her own deep brown eyes studied him. They seemed entranced, but they burned much more than any other gaze he had felt. He wondered what was going on in the she-wolf's mind, but his attention was instead drawn to her introduction. He dipped his head lower this time, but remained calm and cool. "It is nice to have your acquaintance, Kistara." He said lifting his head. "You may call me Winsong, feel free to use nicknames. There is no need for formalities with me, madam." He said smiling gently down at the female.
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` pup


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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 12:34 am

Kistara nodded to the name, shrugging her shoulders at the formality that he posed towards her. "That is a wonderful name. It certainly fits you, Prince," Kistara said. Prince had just slipped out; she truly meant to say Winsong but with what she was thinking it just flowed from her lips like all of her other words did. Her head titled slightly as her eyes met his. What a lovely color they were. They just contrasted so well with his coat! Her eyes widened ever so slightly as she shuffled her paws, trying intensely to not comment on his eyes. "Your eyes! I love them!" it came out as a sort of shriek; very quick and slightly rougher in texture than her usual cool and calm tone. There it was..her dramatic display of emotion was just peeking around the corner. "And your coat! I am just in love with it," Kistara spoke again in the same voice. Her heart was pumping harder and harder and her breaths were becoming quicker and quicker.. she must have looked crazy, utterly crazy.

Kistara tried her best to calm herself but nothing was helping. She had tried to play it as if she were nonchalant but that just was not happening -- not today and not any day she had to look at him. She pulled her gaze from his quickly and let her head lower to the ground slightly, brushing off what she had done in a matter of seconds. "Formalities," she muttered to herself. Seconds after she lowered it, she moved her head back up and rose to her paws.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 27th 2014, 3:41 pm

OOC: May I join?

Goldflame heard some sort of a shriek, startling him from his sleep. In the moonlight he saw two white wolves staring at each other, how sickening. Goldflame lowered his gaze to the flowers. He then saw the smaller wolf lower to the ground. Odd. he thought. He raised his head, and flipped over, rustling the grass. The stars shined like diamonds. He smiled delightedly, and then looked back at the pair. What shall happen next? he thought watching them intently.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 29th 2014, 12:23 am

OOC: That's up to Alyce. I wouldn't have a problem with it.

The she-wolf was beginning to pant like a mad dog. She was desecrating herself. Her own peace of mind must have fled moons ago. Winsong liked to play with such creatures. Lock them away without anything but the occasional nibble of food. Make them look forward to his presence, and maybe even beg for pain. As a conformation of their existence, but not today. The Lunar Plain's appearance had pushed him close enough to the edge, and he preferred not to show his obsessive eyes very often.

But now she was starting to take a liking to him. She studied him carefully, and commented in his appearance. "Prince" made him recall things he didn't wish to remember, but she continued. Spouting nonsense, like a child eager for approval. It was difficult to quell the wish to sneer. If he excused himself, he doubted the she-wolf would leave him alone, but if he ran off in the correct way, she would unleash her madness on him. He didn't need any more intellectual simulation. He'd had enough when he was a child. So what to do?

He blinked slowly at the female, and smiled. "Thank you, miss, but your beauty certainly trumps my own." Her sick voice still echoed in his mind. It didn't have the nauseatingly sweet ting earlier, but he didn't like the way it clawed his ears either. He hoped he didn't have to hear it again in a life time. 'It would be too soon.' He thought his gaze wavering. The hesitation quickly evaporated when she lifted her head again. He didn't catch what she said, so he dismissed it as nothing more than one of her mental mutterings.

"So what are you doing out here, Kistara?" He asked, tipping his head slightly in curiosity.
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` pup


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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 29th 2014, 12:40 am

[[ yeah, goldenashes, i don't mind ]]

Kistara had been - and always will be - a sick puppy looking for approval with her backwards sense of logic. She would never hurt a fly, not physically anyway. But she would release all that she could upon a wolf mentally that didn't take even the slightest liking to her. She would always be a pathetic princess with her tantalizing voice and mysterious beauty that shall eternally remain untouched. She had never been much of a use to anyone and so she developed her own little fantasy world where she ruled over everyone and they would obey her ever whim, even if they thought it inhumane or even stupid. This is what she was aiming to create around herself; she was making herself loved to fulfill this dream of being a princess or even a queen. But until she figured out that all of that was just a story and that there could never be a ruler over everyone, Kistara would continue her impossible journey of being dictator over all of life.

"I was just traveling through the lands again, admiring the scenery when you came along,"
she replied in a full-hearted tone, her voice exaggerating  every single word that came out of her mouth. Her dramatic personality (or should we say disorder?) was clearer than ever before now with how she seemed to not be able speaking in a very dramatic voice and how she couldn't stop making gestures like rolling her eyes, glancing around at the territory when she spoke scenery, etc.
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` beta



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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 29th 2014, 5:46 pm

Goldflame became very interesred in this meeting. Out of curiousity, he stalked closer, making no noise at all. The strong scent of flowers blocked out his own, rain scent. Yes he did smell like rain, although he didn't know how . Goldflame sat down,  and watched with antisipation for their next moves. He lowered into the grass, blending in, unlike the two whites. He shoved his ears forward, picking up their conversation.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeAugust 20th 2014, 12:03 am

OOC: First post, first step to recovery. HUZZAH!! So sorry for the EXTREMELY late reply. I've been out of it lately. So let's go! I apologize in advance if it's too short.

The ivory colored wolf seemed to swallow him up in her expression. Her once pleasant chestnut eyes dilated into sharp slits that seemed to be unfocused and looking at nothing. A dirty grin emerged on his face, different than the others, but it still held an air of dignity. "When I came along? I apologize. I interrupted your personal time. I can disappear now, if it is to your liking." The gentle breeze that had greeted him, and swayed the tall plain grass had left the plain. It was silent, and only a few crickets chirped in the moonlit garden. A rustle of grass was almost silent, hidden behind the panting breaths of the female. His ears twitched, only slightly, as if pestered by a small buzzing insect. 'I wonder who's eyes are watching me now.' He would have cast a look over to the two burning holes in the back of his head, but the female needed attention. He could see it in her dark eyes.
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` beta



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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeAugust 27th 2014, 6:14 pm

Goldflame soon became bored. This female is extremely annoying, I feel sorry for the dude. he thought. He laughed a little at the male's response. But of course, it was a slight scoff, not a crazy giggle.
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` pup


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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2014, 9:42 pm

He had asked if she wanted him to leave, if he wanted him to just disappear. So polite, this gentleman was. Kistara took a liking to that about him; she appreciated his concerns for her own privacy, even if it would sacrifice his entertainment. Her eyes were focused on his as she stood in silence, watching him.

"No, no. Without company my entire world would just... Fall apart," she dramatized. Her tail flicked from side to side slowly, her ears flicking toward any sounds that might erupt into the midnight air. The moon was still high in the sky, the warm breeze providing little shielding from the humid air that lingered about. She continued her inhalation, pulling in the scents all around her. There was another one of her species near by. But who?
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2014, 9:48 pm

Goldflame froze when she had seemed to catch his scent. He lie on the ground lifeless, letting the flowers overwhelm his scent. He kept watching the conversation because it was seriously like a soap opera.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2014, 7:57 pm

The female continued to push and prod at him with her mind. He felt like he had plastered a monotonous mask onto his muzzle, but the mischievous smirk was still there. She mumbled and gestured dramatically, explaining that her little world would fall apart without him there. In his mind, he narrowed his eyes at her, but kept his periwinkle eyes crinkled. She wrinkled her nostrils as if inhaling a foreign scent. Finally his face changed. He raised an eyebrow and glanced in the direction another rustle came from. He would have been glad for the distraction from her gaze, but he was too tightly wound up he wouldn't have cared. He lashed his tail, eager for the newcomer's face. 'About time she noticed...' He thought dully. He blinked his blue eyes and tipped his head to the side in another smirk. "I suppose we've caught some more attention, haven't we, Kistara?" He wondered out loud, the words directed more at the hidden wolf. He laughed under his breath and took a step forward, revealing a golden piece of fur peaking out of the flowers. "It would be best to show yourself, my friend." He lowered his head into the grass, staring at where he believed the wolf's eyes would be. "Keeping her waiting wouldn't be the best of ideas, sir." He could determine the musky scent to be a male's from being as close as he was. "Careful where you tread, mister..." He mumbled ominously, low enough that the message was only his.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeOctober 14th 2014, 9:25 pm

Goldflame chuckled light heartily and stood. "OK, but it was just getting good. Bummer..." he muttered. He flicked his tail and sat down. He cocked his head. He flicked his ear thoughtfully. "Shame on me." he muttered back. Goldflame wasn't fond of fae's himself. He cocked his head and stood back up. "What brings you two here?" He asked kindly.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 20th 2015, 2:37 am

The arctic wolf snorted in mock contempt as the wolf poked fun at his less then cool situation. His more then witty remarks pleased him, and caused the muscles in the stomach to relax. He glanced down at the female, but her excited eyes made his look away again.

The young wolf spoke, asking their purpose. Winsong pursed her lips. And then gestured to the field of flowers with his tail. "Admiring the scenery." He glanced back at the male with a grin. "It's beautiful, don't you think?" He said with a light-hearted laugh. But his eyes didn't glitter. They stayed flat and dark.

"What do you think, my friend?" He said with another toothy grin.

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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitimeJune 29th 2015, 10:56 pm

Goldflame shrugged. [b]"Eh, I prefer the beach I'm just passing through."[b] he said, and shrugged.
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Silence to this whispering I hear. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Silence to this whispering I hear.   Silence to this whispering I hear. Icon_minitime

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