Dieing hope

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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2014, 2:56 pm

A landslide claimed the ground where Luka had once stood, his eyes blazing with anger and hurt. He is alone, like he always knew he'd end up. He finally gave in to slinking towards the large expanse of houses, eyes and stomach set on a healthy sheep. Or, if he was lucky, a cow. The thought made his mouth water which made him faster in turn. The rain that had slaughtered the land a few moments before had now died and left him an easy target to hunters, who could easily catch sight of his gigantic paw prints. Luka's eyes blazed just a little brighter when he caught the sharp scent of gun powder, a smell almost bad enough for the male to stop and keep on moving. His shape and health deteriorated to badly for him to pass up a meal, he had to get meat on his bones before his frame was nothing but bones. Which was bad for a wolf his size, to have gotten down to skin and bones and no more. So, he pressed on.
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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2014, 6:21 pm

May I join?}

Burgdis ran from the hunter. He had just shot and fortunately missed. She hated humans. She rounded and climbed an incline, which she hoped was too steep for the short man. She galloped up, her heart pounding, her legs just begging to give out. But she willed them to go on. She had stolen the hunter's two rabbits and she was intent on eating. "Dag gummit! Dag gum wolf, I'm gon' kill you!" The hunter shouted angrily. He aimed and fired. She bolted behind a tree. Once again he missed. "Arg! I'm gon' shoot you! I'm gon kill you, you lil' demonic dog!" He snarled. Burgdis would've laughed if she wasn't scared witless. 'Catch me if you can rubber-butt! she thought.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2014, 12:18 pm

Luka had covered a great amount of ground within a few moments, his large frame already beginning to shake with the thought of food. He only had a few more steps, but then shouting and gunshots stopped him dead in his tracks. The hunter was close, and he did not want to be shot at long before he had even set eyes on his meal. But he caved, large paws churning dirt as he swiveled around and launched forward quickly. Luka crashed through bushes and leapt over logs, intent on getting away from the hunter, even though the male was unsure on if he was the hunters target.

(Sure c: )
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeSeptember 24th 2014, 5:37 pm

Burgdis had FINALLY lost sight of the hunter, but shots still rang in the air...and his idiotic words could've been heard from half way across the world. "Dag gummit!! Dag gummit! That figgin' wolf! I'm gon' KILL THAT STUPID DEMONIC DOG! I'M GON' KILL IT!!!!!!!!" He screamed. Burgdis looked back for the first time as she was running. That is until she ran right into something. "Oof!" She cried as she tumbled to the ground.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2014, 12:31 am

Luka tumbled, his large paws dragging thick weeds and twigs into his fall. He was to frantic to truly recall what the hunter had said, but frankly, he couldn't care less. He only wanted to run, to get out alive so he could live long enough to actually lift his life into a decent state. Still, he sprung to his paws and launched forward. All to clear of the fact that he was leaving paw prints in the mud beneath him that happened to be twice the size of a normal paw print.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeSeptember 30th 2014, 5:57 pm

Burgdis got up and ran with the other wolf. Not like she would run with him or her forever, but he or...she, seemed to know where a hiding spot was from this stupid human that didn't even kow how to taLk right. Besides she owed the wolf an apology. Really... even though she wasn't that type of wolf. to give apologies. But the wolf was scrawny, frightened, and she had totally crashed into him like two cars on an interstate.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2014, 11:54 am

As Luka ran, he easily picked up speed. Soon feeling like he ran far enough, the male turned sharply and snagged a rabbit from the side of his trail. Even as the creature stopped squirming, he noticed the wolf he ran into beside him now. He took a moment before shaking his fur and scarfing down his meal. Just the small animal's meat seemed to amplify his large form. Making it easily noticed that he was large, even for a wolf who was as emaciated as he was. Luka sat now, tail curled over his large paws and his eyes blazing silently as he waited.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 1st 2014, 5:02 pm

Burgdis sighed and scarfed down the two rabbits she had stolen, well, at least one. 'Hmm.... Should I give him the last one?' she thought. She was a little further from him. She now knew it was a male. She usually would not sacrifice anything for anyone. It was a one man for himself world out here, and if you couldn't survive, tough luck. At least that was what Burgdis lived by. Other wolves were just big softies. She narrowed her eyes and picked the rabbit up in her jaws. She shrugged off her compassion. She snapped open the rabbit's neck, letting blood spill out, still fresh.

Last edited by Goldenashes on October 5th 2014, 7:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2014, 11:21 am

As Luka turned away slightly, he stretched his large legs and yawned, soon turning and loping away. Ignoring the other wolf silently as he sniffed the air. He continued to run, soon banking left to pounce on a crippled deer, his ears flicking forward has he began wolfing down his quick meal. Finally full, satisfied and now tired, he curled up and fell asleep.

(Do you want to skip ahead and have them run into each other again later?)
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2014, 7:05 pm

OOC: Yeah sure, but I'm going to post. You can do the time skip. Very Happy

Burgdis watched the wolf disappear into the shadowy forest. She sighed and smiled. She lay down and closed her eyes. "That Freakin' wolf, got me runnin all over da countary. I'm gon' keel that dag gum dog, if it's the lAst thang I do." said the idiot hunter. Burgdis's head shot up and she disappeared into the forest, leaving the half eaten rabbit in the clearing. She tripped and stumbled on that stupid twisted paw of hers. She had almost forgotten it was there, until now. She sighed and slid down a ravine. She crawled into a tangle of tree and began digging. Soon the hole was big enough for her to squeeze in. That idiot would never find her hiding in a slope, covered by roots. He was just too stupid.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 13th 2014, 11:32 am

(Okay, I'ma skip ahead by at least 2 1/2 months.)

Luka had long forgotten about his encounter with the hunter and other wolf. He sauntered forward with a happy wolf grin. He filled out completely and looked bigger than he ever had. His size bringing him the ease of intimidation on other creatures and most humans. He soon launched forward in a run, legs stretched and fur flaring, he crashed through bushes with his powerful body and grinning as he ran faster.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 16th 2014, 5:28 pm

Burgdis licked her chops. She had just finished a hunt, and felt pretty proud. She tore into the meat. She didn't remember the wolf she had encountered, but every now and then, her twisted paw would hurt. This caused her to remember the tumble with the scrawny male. She sighed as she thought of how selfish she had seemed. Oh well. She shrugged the disturbing memory away as the pain receded. She then heard bushes rustle and twigs snap. 'What the....whoever is there must be pretty daggum careless.' she thought. Curiosity getting the best of her she followed after the sound. She was running swiftly and silently behind him like a ninja. She would never of known that this was the wolf she had barged into.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 16th 2014, 5:35 pm

Burgdis licked her chops. She had just finished a hunt, and felt pretty proud. She tore into the meat. She didn't remember the wolf she had encountered, but every now and then, her twisted paw would hurt. This caused her to remember the tumble with the scrawny male. She sighed as she thought of how selfish she had seemed. Oh well. She shrugged the disturbing memory away as the pain receded. She then heard bushes rustle and twigs snap. 'What the....whoever is there must be pretty daggum careless.' she thought. Curiosity getting the best of her she followed after the sound. She was running swiftly and silently behind him like a ninja. She would never of known that this was the wolf she had barged into.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2014, 11:36 am

Luka easily picked up the sound of his purser, causing his ears to flatten back against his head. Twisting his back left paw, Luka swirled in a circle and let out a vicious snarl that echoed through the forest. His eyes blazed with a maliciousness that made him seem feral. His stance said, this wolf can fight, while his ears said, he does not want to fight. But he waited, ready for an attack.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2014, 7:24 pm

Burgdis swiftly ran around him in the bushes and shadows. This always worked to confuse them. It made them think that there was more than wolf hunting them. She stopped and panted, but the tree she had stopped by made the pant echo. She laughed bitterly, also echoing.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 20th 2014, 2:21 pm

Luka didn't move, only snarling and making himself look bigger. Something that made him look like a bear. The male growled and swiveled his ears to fallow each sound. Saliva dribbled from his jaws while he continued to wait for whoever it was to show themselves, from the sound he heard, it was a pack, and he didn't need any trouble from an Alpha.
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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2014, 12:51 pm

Burgdis smiled maliciously and cleared her thought. The tree made it sound deep and gruff. "You have a bad habit of killing farm animals don't you hot shot. What will it be then? Another fight for land or can we call this off like civilized wolves?" She growled, but the tree made her sound like a male with the voice of thunder.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2014, 12:02 pm

Anger surged through Luka, his fur bristling as he roared loudly, "Why don't you bring yourself out here and face me like a real wolf!? Hiding is not the Alpha thing to do. Don't you want to look brave for your pack!?" he rolled his shoulders and snapped his jaws, sniffing the air and looking for the wolfs position. The deep thundering voice had no affect on the male, other than making him angry enough to want to fight now. his leg muscles pulsing with adrenaline as his anger fed into his voice.
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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2014, 5:07 pm

Burgdis chuckled. "you have good humor. Don't make me laugh. I'm no alpha." she said. She stepped forward growling. Before Luka was a huge female, hackles raised, ears shoved forward and tail straight. Her storm colored eyes glimmered brightly. She stepped forward again and swished tail from side to side. This wolf was very familiar.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2014, 11:49 am

Surprised, Luka remained still. Showing no signs of movement, the male growled and lifted his head finally, "Keep to yourself, wolf. I have nothing you want and vise-versa." he turned and walked away, legs tense in case of an attack. The male flicked his ears and strode forward with long strides. Even for her size, Luka was not easily intimidated. His own size was still clearly larger than the female, yet she seemed a dangerous enemy.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeOctober 31st 2014, 5:14 pm

Burgdis squinted, as if trying to remember something. "holds on, you look familiar, have I run into you before? " she asked. Normally she wouldn't care if someone walked away from fighting a wolf with a splayed paw, but this wolf looked very familiar, not like some stranger.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeNovember 3rd 2014, 12:46 pm

Stopping, Luka snorted and shook his head, though not turning around, "If we have, then I don't remember. Though you are familiar, I also must consider that I've been around a while and have seen a lot of different wolves. Why does it matter if I'm familiar?" His tail swung while he flicked his ears and turned his head slightly now.
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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2014, 8:55 pm

Burgdis considered his words. She came up with the answer quickly. "I remember a wolf with the same pelt and scent as you. I ran into him with two rabbits while running away from a hunter. But he was scrawny about a month ago it was I remember." she said.
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Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf

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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeNovember 6th 2014, 11:52 am

Luka nodded and flicked his ears silently, absorbing her words for only a moment before facing her with blazing bright eyes, "Yes. That was me. Though I have gained weight and am a considerable size now. I do indeed remember the encounter..." he lowered his head in thought. Why would she care about a scrawny wolf that had nothing? Why did it matter now that he was close to 3 times the size he had been before? he shrugged to himself then looked at her assessingly, "So, why does it matter?"
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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitimeNovember 6th 2014, 9:06 pm

Burgdis narrowed her eyes and shrugged. She slipped out into the dense bracket and flicked her ear from a fly. 'because I should've gave you food, but I was selfish and didn't. That's why it matters.' she thought.
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PostSubject: Re: Dieing hope   Dieing hope Icon_minitime

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