Night Shadow,
Please be understanding of our staff, most of them are kids like yourself and are on summer break from school. This usually is the time that wolflife ends up getting rather dead because a lot of kids are out on vacation or with family or friends doing things more actively outside since they don't have cold weather to worry about. I'm going to try and be on more as I saw getting on that this place hadn't been seen by the Admins for awhile, I thought Penman and Wildwind were going to be on more, plus as I have stated I'm currently going through a lot in my personal life that's been keeping me very busy. I'm sorry if this has lead to you and any of your friends not being able to RP in the way you wish to, as you can see I got to work approving things as soon as I got on today before tending to my personal RP' for your pup approval I wish I could do something about that but I only have the authority to do Character Approvals. If someone hasn't gotten on by next month I'll see what I can do about getting a hold of the Admin and seeing what we can do to help solve this issue. Thank you for your input and we'll try to keep in mind everything you have said. I hope this has been helpful for you.