A dark brown pelted wolf, with light blue fur shape of cresent moons on her flank and light gray bellyfur, runs down the shoreline her old pack in hot persute.
"What should I do?" she thinks franticly. "GET THAT TRATOR!" She picks up speed desprate to get away. "Trator? All I want is a better life out side of these canibules. How does that make me a trator?"
Suddenly she feels teeth on her shoulder sinking in almost to the bone. "GAHHH!" she cryes in pain. "So you think you can just leave us DarkMoon?" The Loudhowler sneared through a mouth full of fur. Snareling DarkMoon crunches down on the Loudhowlers muzzle, cracking the top of his muzzle. Yowling in pain he lets go. DarkMoon keeps running."I can't keep up this pace much longer..." she thinks panting harshly.
Her eyes whent wide for a moment. "I got it!" Quickly she runs into the ocean letting the first wave knock her too her knees. "I got to make them think I'm going to drown" she says softly as she starts going out farther and farther into the ocean. "What is the idiot doing?! She will never make it!" DarkMoon saw a small rock sticking out of the water and threw her self aganst it then turned on her back with just the tip of her nose sticking out of the water. The blood from her wound on her shoulder started making the water above her turn red. "Foolish She-Wolf she killed her self...come troops back to bace! On the doubble!" DarkMoon watched as the wolves ran back to the bace. "Finally... Im free.. She thought as the water carryed her away.
(to be continued in WaterFall Lagoon)