Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest

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 Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest

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` pup


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PostSubject: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2010, 6:10 pm

Minx looked about and shook out her thick coat. It was snowing lightly, like it normally was, and her thick fur protected her from the cold. Seeing a group of caves that were protected from snow and the other elements, Minx thought 'These would make good dens, and that river over there, small but cold and refreshing, would be good for drinking, and I saw a trail that looked like Caribou might come here. This would make a good spot for a pack.' When she came to that realization Minx began to mark the territory. Then she howled, a signal to Loners to come and join her pack without fear of being chased away, for now.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2010, 6:53 pm

Minx looked around when she finnished howling and waited for a wolf to come. While she waited she amused herself with a lone yellow leaf. Tossing it around between her paws. Then getting a little thirsty she padded over to the small river. Putting her muzzle in the freezing water she drank a long draught and then turned around and headed over to a den to pick one out. Noticing one that was rather higher off the ground, Minx padded in and lay down watching her territory with unwavering concentration.
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` omega


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2010, 2:32 pm

Sitka walked through the forest as the snow was falling down all around Him. He had been alone for a while just wandering the lands looking for a new pack, a new family to call his own. As he walked through the snowy night he heard a howl out in the distance, and he recognized that sound as a nother lone wolf looking to start a pack. The wolf sounded female so he would not fear this being a trap, so he started running toward the sound. When he got there he saw a female white wolf trying to make a den. He stopped and mearly looked at her, hoping not to scare her.
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2010, 3:36 pm

I walked to Minx I was carrying alot of sticks in my mouth i've been watching her for days
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2010, 1:21 am

Accalia crotched down behind a shrub, studying the wolves that were around a den. "I wonder what their doing....." She whispered, carefully wayching the male. She shyly walked out into the open, bracing herself for any attacks.
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeAugust 19th 2010, 1:24 am

"I got to go this not my pack" She turns and bumps into the new wolf
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2010, 6:00 pm

Accalia falls onto her rump and looked at the she wolf that bumped into her," I-I'm sorry...I was iin your way..." she said, bowing her head. She still kept an eye on the male. "I'm Accalia, you are?" she said, reapetedly shifting her eyes between the male and female.
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeAugust 30th 2010, 11:15 pm

"Angel." I said lightly
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2010, 11:01 pm

"Pleased to meet you." Accalia said, slightly bowing her head. "Do you know that male over there? If so is he trustworthy?" She questioned, while standing up.
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` beta


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Male Registered : 2010-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2010, 4:48 pm

Jay having moved deeper into the frozen woods finds an old scent line of wolves, it seemed as though a pack actually lived in this cold depressing place. He paces the line looking to see if there was a way around but it seemed as though their territory stretched for miles and miles either way and it would be much easier to just pass through besides if they were a pack it meant there was food to hunt somewhere in these lands and possibly a den to rest his head for a night or two. He sits on his rump parting his maw in a loud long yawn before shaking his dial soundly and scrunching up his nose as he blinked heavily before finally parting his laberials once more to let out a deep sounding howl that shook the surrounding branches so much that icicles started to fall and he dodges out of the way of some of the bigger ones. The howl was to signal to the pack that he was looking for passage through their lands and he waited with perked ears on his crown for a sign that it still existed plus that it would be safe for him to travel across their territory.
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` beta


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Male Registered : 2010-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeOctober 30th 2010, 11:36 pm

Jay after quite a long many hours decides he needs to just move through, he trots forward and follows the old scent believing that they may be gone and a den to at least rest his head in. Along his travels however he finds an empty hole and the more it was seeming like the other den was further off then he thought. He burrows into the tiny old hold not able to do much with the frozen ground but enough that he could wedge his body in there backing up into it and falls asleep for the night.
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` pup


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Registered : 2010-07-24

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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2010, 12:06 am

Minx noticed first a male wolf with sticks in his mouth and then another male wolf that stepped out of the underbrush. Two males would certainly be a problem unless they were friendly. Perking her ears Minx waited for them to say something. Then she heard some female voices behind her talking quietly and turned her head around wondering who else had answered her call.
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` beta


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Male Registered : 2010-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2010, 1:10 am

Jay had stayed in that area for the past couple of days, catching rabbits for food and sleeping in the small make shift den. He had been worn out plus with his tail in the condition it was he had wanted a good rest from his travels. Now morning of the third day he decides it's time to continue forward, squeezing himself out of the small hole he starts making his way through the territory. Sounds starting to reach his ears now of other wolves in the vicinity, he makes his way around them trying to stay out of the wind as much as possible so they wouldn't become overly aware of his presence just wanting safe passage through and all.
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` pup


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Registered : 2010-07-24

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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2010, 8:33 am

Minx tenses while she waits for the males to move at all. When they don't she relaxes a bit and sits down, right into a snowdrift sending up a puff of snow. Shaking her head she stood back up and shook the wet snow off her pelt.
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` beta


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Male Registered : 2010-06-01

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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeNovember 7th 2010, 10:56 am

Jay moves around the other wolves without drawing attention to himself and quickly finds the exit to their territory not wanting to linger much longer there as he was concerned what their intentions would be should they find him. Hunting one last time before nightfall and was clear when the moon was just starting to come over the trees horizon. He looked up at all the brilliant stars, they seemed much more brilliant in the cold air then where he had been with his family long ago. Stars he never even knew existed had just appeared out of no where but were so faint that it wasn't hard to figure out that he had just missed them before. Once clear of the scent line of the pack he attempts to look for another place to rest for the night, however unable to produce a temporary place to lodge he continues traveling through the night by star and moonlight alone.
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2010, 11:36 pm

Moonlight, who kept running with her head low, bumps into a wolf, which came up from a pile of snow. She skids to a stop and looks at the female "I'm sorry. I wasn't watching." she says and starts trotting to the scent line. Once smelling that she crossed it she continued running from the icey place. Trying to get away from the cold for once.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeNovember 12th 2010, 9:56 am

Minx thought that this was all getting very odd, watching the female run from the territory, she shook her head. "Hello," she called to the male wolves.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeNovember 20th 2010, 4:45 pm

Accalia watched the female wolf as she spoke to the males,"Whats with all the guys?" she mummbled under her breath. she then turned her attention to the male that was walking around everyone,"What are you trying to do?" she whispered, practically silent.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeDecember 18th 2010, 3:10 pm

Blackwolf appears wandering around and sees a group of wolves,and hides behind a rock with head sticking out."What are they doing?"he whispers very quiet.He keeps studying and studying the wolves.Finally he walks toward the group of wolves."Hello group of wolves."he says in a quiet voice."What are all of you doing here?"he asks quietly waiting for an answer.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeFebruary 10th 2011, 10:15 pm

Accalia glances at yet another wolf who randomly apeared and turns her attention to the remaining male wolves. "To be honest I don't think anyone knows what their doing..." she whispered to the male that questioned what they were all doing.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2011, 12:25 pm

Blackwolf stares at the wolf that replied."If you shall know,my name is Blackwolf,I have a nickname that no one uses:Blackwolf the Wolf of Midnight."Blackwolf whispers to the wolf."And you are?"Blackwolf asks in a curious voice.He then lies down in the cold snow,yet still staring at the wolf oddly.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeMarch 29th 2011, 9:26 pm

Accalia gave Blackwolf a wolfish smile,"I am Accalia..... Nice to meet you Blackwolf" she replied as he laid down, giving her an odd curious look. She gave him a curious look as she laid down too,"You wonder into this mess too?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeApril 16th 2011, 6:21 pm

"Yeah,well,I was just wondering around till I saw some wolves and then I asked you a question"Blackwolf replies,and makes a wolfish smile to Accalia.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeMay 11th 2011, 8:34 pm

Accalia smiled back, her tail beginning to wag. "I wonder what their talking about...." Accalia sighed, her wolfish smile not leaving her face.
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` pup


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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitimeMay 14th 2011, 4:51 pm

"The only thing to find out is to listen closely."He replied to her wagging his tail,thinking of how accalia is like his mate.
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PostSubject: Re: Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest   Ice Pack Of The Freezing Forest Icon_minitime

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