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~Shadow devourer~

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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2014, 7:46 pm

(Yeah I been busy with school too since I been going twice a-day. And no need to say sorry for there nothing to be sorry about, we cant control what goes on.)

Something caught scars eyes in the distance arcing across the sky. She rammed her ears forward sticking them ramrod straight in the direction of the movement. A silver form glinted in the moonlight and scars every hair rose. She got up and back up a step then paced a little side to side wondering what is was in the distance. She took a few hesitant steps in that direction and sat back down unsure of what to do.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2014, 12:28 am

(If life doesn't have problems, it not really life...That sounds like a very bad metaphor)

Mercury heard some pacing ahead, so he pushed his ears forward. It looked a bit like a hostile display, but instead he was trying to hear what was going on. He heard some labored breathing, and could smell a bit of fear in the air.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2014, 7:57 am

( I get it. If life doesn't have problems its not life because life cant be that simple. It would be Eden and we just don't live in a Eden. Eden is too easy, and what we live in now is no eden. Is that what you ment?)

Scar signal good eye caught a moving shadow it seemed and she whirled around to face it. She saw the outline of a tallish figure, it was of immense size and she started to back up, slightly scared. Her legs became weak and seemed to not be hers as they wouldn't function. Her tail was tucked between her legs. She tried sniffing the air to see if it was one of the others but she couldn't smell nothing. She started to shake slightly and her back foot gave out and she hurriedly stood back up.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2014, 10:25 pm

(...Yeah I guess. I wouldn't call it an Eden though. That seems like something that's already passed or wouldn't actually have no problems. Heaven more like.)

Mercury heard some more shuffling. His eyebrows raised as he speeded up. He started bounding towards the sounds, and his tail whipped in the air behind him. His hazel eyes searched the lake for a figure.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 12th 2014, 9:13 am

(Yeah I guess eden has already passed. And sorry if I made too of a dramatic post below.)

Scar saw the figure speed up and come bounding it seemed in her direction, she went to turn and run but she started slipping. She took off in a random direction, and didn't know she was heading for the lake because it was so dark out. She saw a shadowed bank thinking it was a log and went to jump over it. One moment she was in the air and the next she hit dark waters. Her silver pelt turned to a dark shade as the water greedily drenched it. She didn't know what happened and she desperately tried waving her paws through the water in front of her. She held her eyes tightly shut as her lungs started to struggle for air.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2014, 3:24 pm

(You're fine. Sorry for not responding earlier)

Mercury heard some more rustling. This rustling ended in a loud splash by the lake shore.His hazel eyes narrowed as he skidded to a stop by the sound. His ears strained to hear the sound. Then his eyes locked with another's. He shot out and dived into the lake. Water roared in his ears, but he paddled towards the panicking mass of fur. Grasping the scruff of the wolf, he started dragging it to shore. Trying hard to resist dropping the wolf for kicking at him and continuing to panic.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2014, 4:49 pm

(Okay and Its fine)

Scar felt something grab the scruff of her neck. She contiued to kicked her legs trying to find something to catch and pull herself out. But soon her kicking started to slow soon after she open her mouth to breath and water swam into her lungs. She had part of her head above the water with the help of whatever had a hold of her scruff. But she didnt feel that hold no more for her neck went numb. Her eyes slowly closed as she went into a smei-consious state.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2014, 9:30 pm

Zero would pad through the woods with his head low to the ground, dragging his nose across the ground smelling new scents. " Other wolves?." He squeaks and crouched low against the ground, ears pricked forward crawling slowly toward the other wolves cautiously. Zero would freeze and didn't move inch from his hiding spot from behind huge oak tree, crouching down chattering his teeth nervously, while his ears flick up hearing unfamiliar noises close by growing closer to him. He wouldn't move forward or speak become afraid of meeting these new wolves.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2014, 6:12 pm

(Um, Zero, you can't be in to places at once)

Mercury felt the body slowly go limp after a while. The silver wolf had already known it was Scar once they made eye contact. Her scarred eye and drenched scent gave him a larger assurance of that fact, but he paddled faster in fear of the young pup drowning. Once he was in shallow enough water he could stand, he loped onto the bank. The male gently set down the little ball of fur and shook his pelt briskly, trying to resist the cold of night. He crouched down and nosed at Scar's fur. She was still warm and breathing. Mercury heaved a loud sigh and sat down, try hard not to fall asleep from exhaustion. His eyelids flitted upwards and downwards as he kept an eye on the young pup.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2014, 6:59 pm

Scar breath went in and out, her mind was foggy and she couldn't open her eye lids. Her heart seemed to beat with another's as it seemed to beat in uneven beats. She heard a faint...sigh. Coming from something near maybe? She didn't know nothing was processing right in her mind. She tried to get up she thought but none of her limbs moved. Was she even moving at all? Her heart soon righted itself and started to beat like it did before, nice and even. She coughed a little and water came out in spats. She started to shiver and slowly ever so slowly sat on her stomach and curled slightly with her tail around herself. She tried to talk and got out a signal word "Father?"
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2014, 5:00 pm

Mercury felt his eyebrows arch in a sharp incline. He had dozed while sitting up. He blinked his hazel eyes a few times before registering what Scar had said. 'Father...?' Something twinged painfully in his chest. Refraining from clicking his tongue in irritation, he bent down and sniffed Scar, before nosing her gently again. He grunted, trying to clear his scratchy throat. He was slightly thirsty. "You ok?" He tried to disregard her first response, trying to push it to a dark corner in his mind, and instead check if the pup was alright.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 27th 2014, 6:20 pm

Scar tried opening her eyes but failed. She remembered saying father? And someone answered. Was that her father? But she thought, it couldn't be, her father was killed, she knew he wasn't alive. She tightened her eyes further if she could. The voice that came asked if she was okay. She felt some remains of water dripping out of her mouth. She laid her head down as the figure gently nosed her. " fine" She said quietly thinking of saying daddy at the end but not.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2014, 4:54 pm

Mercury sighed inwardly. Scar looked a little cold, so he licked her fur backward. Doing it in rhythmic strokes as to calm her ragged and short breathes. His hazel eyes seemed hazy. but still as frigid as even. The silver wolf had already known that Scar's parent's were killed. When they had discovered the pup, she had responded with a description of her history. Mercury narrowed his eyes as he slowly finished. Licking his muzzle he laid down on she stomach and studied Scar from the ground.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2014, 7:26 pm

Scar soon after felt a smooth rhythmic licking of her fur. The way its was done felt soothing and nice. Her fur started to dry and she stopped shivering. After the licking stopped she felt a lot better then and slowly she opened one of her eyes. She looked at the figure and slowly got a little closer crawling slowly. But after a few inches stopped closing her eyes and falling into a light slumber of rest.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMarch 30th 2014, 6:01 pm

Scar seemed to warm up. The silver wolf sat up and yawned loudly, rolling his shoulders. He arched his back and swiped his muzzle with his tongue. 'She might be hungry when she wakes up...' Mercury turned and went into the forest to stalk some prey.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 11:48 am

((Sorry its so long))

Scar as she slept had a dream. Dream: Scar turned her head back toward mercury behind her as she was crouched down facing a bush that had leaves rustling toward the bottom of it. Mercury in the dream nodded his head toward the bush giving slight encouragement to continue. Scar face the bush once again and slowly crept ever so closer until she could hear the beating heart inside hammering away at a small ribcage. Scar turning her head so she could focus on the spot with her good eye got ready to leap. She pushed off the ground with her back legs and went diving into the bush with a crash. A rabbit lay within and scars jaws closed around the neck of it and closed with a crunch. She backed out of the bush with the rabbit in her jaws limp as the life was gone from its eyes. She brought the rabbit over to mercury and he gave her praise for what a nice catch the little rabbit was. They both sat dawn to eat the rabbit together having a nice time. :END OF DREAM When the dream ended scar awoke to her stomach growling. She sat up slightly refreshed and looked around for mercury who was nowhere in sight.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 3:31 pm

Mercury narrowed his hazel eyes and crouched as low as he could to the grass. His fur was already soaked from the morning dew. His eyes were focused on a plump rabbit nibbling at the grass. He felt his lip lift as his mouth watered at it's scent. He stalk forward, ears pinned back. The rabbit ate, not realizing it would be Mercury's next meal. The male went painstakingly slow, and finally pounced. Exhaustion gnawed at his energy, but he managed to smack his broad paw down onto it's spine, breaking it.
It didn't even squeal. The silver furred male took the rabbit by it's neck and padded back to Scar. his eyes widened as he realized she was awake. His own hunger made him wan to tear into the rabbit, but he set it down in front of the pup and sighed. "Eat, you'll need your strength."
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~Shadow devourer~

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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 3:46 pm

Scar looked at the rabbit, her stomach growling once again as her mouth watered with the sight of fresh meat. But she didn't touch a hair on the rabbit as it sat in front of her. She looked up to mercury and shook her head when he told her to eat, needing her strength. "I want you too eat too." She said looking at him. She wasn't going to eat while he sat there, he looked just as hungry as she was.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 8:08 pm

Mercury clicked his tongue in irritation. "Just eat, I can hunt for more later." The silver male wasn't very big on sharing. Having to bite into the same piece of prey made him shudder inwardly. "I'll be fine, now eat."
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 1st 2014, 8:15 pm

Scar looked away from the food. "Im not eating until you do. Ill go catch me own food. Silver has been teaching me." Scar said getting up grabbing the food putting it in front of mercury and walking towards the woods a little shaky on her paws.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2014, 3:38 pm

'Oh no you don't.' He picked up the pup by her scruff and set her back down on the ground beside the rabbit. He scowled. "Alright, alright. I'll eat with you." He bent over and split the rabbit in halves, leaving the slightly bigger piece for the pup. He laid down and sighed. [color=silver]"Now eat."[color] He nosed through his rabbit and began at a meager pace.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 2nd 2014, 8:44 pm

Scar pouted when mercury grabbed her scruff and she hang for a few seconds limp in his jaws before getting set down, Mercury splitting the rabbit in half and giving her a bigger piece. She was happy he agreed to eat with her and slightly smiled when he scowled.  She looked at the rabbit half distastenlly and pawed it with her paw. She looked up to mercury slowly eating his rabbit half. She decided she would eat a little. Taking a few bites to stop the hunger that was present in her belly. Though she avoided the fury out part and ate more of the inside. When she wasn't hungry no more she nudge the rest closer to mercury and got up walking to the pond and standing a few from the edge. She longed for a drink but didn't want to get close. She sat down and stared at its depth.

Last edited by luner wolf on April 3rd 2014, 8:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2014, 2:25 pm

Mercury peeled the pelt off the rabbit and set it on the ground beside him. He licked his muzzle and watched as Scar nudged the rabbit towards him. His hazel eyes narrowed, but he decided it was because she wasn't hungry anymore. The pup went to shore, but she didn't approach the water. 'Does she want to get water or something?' The male frowned and gnawed at the small bones.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 3rd 2014, 8:39 pm

Scar soon got up from the water and went walking back too mercury to sit down across from him as he gnawed on some small bones. She looked at the bones then at the rabbit that had its fur stripped off sitting beside him. She looked back at mercury then laid her head down on her paws. Felling the sun starting to warm her silver pelt.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 39 Icon_minitimeApril 8th 2014, 9:53 pm

'We'll I guess she would be more self-conscious of the water since last night...' Mercury accidentally let a sigh slip. He turned abruptly to Scar, but noticed she was beside him now. His fur lie flat as she relaxed in the sunlight. The silvery male yawned, long ivory teeth glinting from the saliva covering them. He swiped his tongue over his muzzle and tucked his muzzle under his paw. His hazel eyes watched the trees and the lake. He was still uncertain about falling asleep lately. Only catching a few hours every night. Mercury was just being wary. Ever since the bear attack he didn't like taking those chances.
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