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` omega


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2013, 3:57 pm

Without lifting her head, Silver answered scar again "Coming to lakes" Silver sighed and lied out on her side, the wind combing threw her fur in a nice gentle breeze.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2013, 5:40 pm

scar watched as silver lied out on her side and went to do the same thing. Then she rolled onto her back with a little squirming and looked at the sky with her good eye.
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` omega


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2013, 8:14 pm

Silver sat bolt right up, sniffing the air quickly, she scented a bear and it was close, to close, it would reach them before she could run far enough away, she bolted and stood stiffly over Scar as her lips curled, watching the spot where the bear would lumber out from the forest at, she flattened her ears and lifted her muzzle, calling Mercury with a wavering fear filled howl before she lowered her head and snarled with a low voice.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2013, 11:25 pm


Mercury sniffed the roots of the tree. He had pretty much patrolled around the whole area. He sighed,and grimaced as the small scratch mark from the fox still stung his shoulder. The only invaders were small kinds of prey,and a fox he took a deep breath and sighed again. He licked his gently,when he caught the sound of a growl not too far off. His silver ears perked up as he glanced around cautiosly. He caught scent of a stale bear scent,but thats all he thought it was. Stale. Apparently he was wrong. His hazel eyes flashed as he turned and ran back towards Silver. His legs brushing gently against the grass. He skidded to a stop behind the brown creature. His ears pinned his his head as he took deep shaky breaths. He then shook his head and crouched he barked out a threat at the bear. It heard him as its ears twitched. It turned on his and roared. He snarled right back. "Silver! Get Scar out of there!" His tail waved in the air,then he took a running start. The bear growled and charged,but he skidded down under its belly and bit down hard under its throat.[/color]
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` omega


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 6:13 am

Silver snarled then heard Mercury, hearing him yell she turned and grabbed Scar, bolting off quickly, her long legs stretching out and having her very far from the bear and Mercury in a very short amount of time. Silver set Scar down and nuzzled her "I will be back, I have to help mercury, I will howl when I'm done" with that, Silver turned on her heal and bolted back to mercury, making it to him and the bear, she jumped on the bears back without thinking, sinking her teeth into its short rounded bear ears, It emitted a very loud angry snarl before bringing its large clawed paw up, scratching down Silvers side and leaving large red welts in her side. A loud pain filled howl broke the growling, her head being so close to the bears ear, her howl had stunned it, even as pain burned her side, she took advantage and clamped her jaw harder on its ear before her strength giving out on her, she slipped off of its back and to the floor.
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~Shadow devourer~

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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 7:25 am

Scar was scared at first then silver took off with her in her jaws. when she told her to stay here and she would howl when she was done she stayed. the she heard a ear spliting howl of pain and knew that it was siilver. she went running threw the trees watching evey step with her good eye when she made it back to where the bear was she saw silver laying on the ground and the bear was too close and would hurt her. she went over a couple yards away from silver and started furisouly snapping her jaws and growling to fet the bears attention away from silver.
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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 9:38 am


Mercury growled as the bear thrust him around. He watched as Scar and Siover ran off to safty. He snarled and was thrown off a bit. He rolled in the dirt any immediately got up. He stared back at the bear,who decided to charge again. But,Silver came up and tried to tear itms ears off, then she was thrown off herself. Her blood dripped onto the ground. "Silver! I meant for you to stay with Scar!" Then he heard some yapping. He turned towards the sound the bear looked at as well. ...What the hell are you doing,Scar? Tue bear meagerly sniffed at the pup. Mercury howl. "Oh no you don't!" He jumped up onto its back.and tried to latch on with a dull claws. He felt flesh sink into his skin. The bear snarled and started to thrash him around again. He grabbed hold of it ear as it trampled around in fury. Islver was a distance away now. Mercury glanced back. [b]"Good...Now she won't get-[/i] The bear rolled on top of him. He coughed as the mouthful of fur left his mouth. Everything felt smushed. He moaned lowly. His hazel stared bore into the bear,and his bore back into his.
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` subordinate


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 10:10 am

Scar panicked when mercury went to jump on tge bear and bites its ear like silver had but then he somehow ended up crushed by tge bear. scar let out a ear spliting howl and went chararging at the bear yapping furiously trying to get the bears attention. she bounced around yapping teasing the bear to chase aftef her trying to get it away from silver and mercury. she didn't want them to get mauled/killed by the bear, she coildnt lose anyone ever again.
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` omega


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 4:53 pm

Silver growled lightly and stumbled to her paws, letting a howl split the air as she called to mercury and Scar "I am sure the bear has forgotten about me, go and run till you are to far for it to track, I will be ok" she huffed lightly, the air around her growing stale as her vision blurred. Silver new she was going to die, the blood still pouring from the large claw marks in her side, she lay down panting weakly.
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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 5:00 pm

scar let out a desperate howl, silver looked to be near the brink of death. " nooooooo! get up silver, up!" tears started to blur her one eye. she kept barking madly jumping around trying to get the bear to follow. if she got it away and mercury was fine enough to get to silver then shell be alright. she kept barking, yapping and making all kind of desprate noise, " come on you stupid bear!"
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2013, 10:13 pm


Mercury noticed Scar trying to get it's attention. "Scar! What are you doing?!" He barked loudly and staggered upward. The bear's attention was momentarily held by Scar,till Mercury jumped up into its face. He snarled loudly,and tore an ear off. He tumbled off to the edge beside Scar. He smelled blood on the air,and noticed it was Silver's. The bear roared in pain,as he pat out the ear. "Scar,I don't care what you do,just help Silver up and get her somewhere safe." His eyes flashed darkly. "I know you want to help,but if either of you two die..." He sighed and turned to Scar. His eyes drifting to the thrashing bear from time to time. "There's no point...Just go." His hazel eyes looked pleadingly at Scar.
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` omega


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 12:40 am

Silver could hear mercury and Scar, tho they sounded like they were miles and miles away, Silver whimpers softly then opened her eyes, it was a blur of green and brown, mainly the bigger objects, she took a guess at the large brown blur to be the bear. Silver whimpered even weaker as she tried to talk but finally went limp as her world went black.
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` subordinate


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 9:33 am

Scar looked at mercury and then took off cirlcling around the bear to silver. when she came up too silver she noticed hhow still she was. ", silver come on get up! get up silver! Come on! " She pushed on silver with all her might but ot was no good,she was to small. she went around and grabbing her ear tryed pulling. " silver, please don't leave me. just get up."
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` subordinate


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 9:47 am

Mercury whirled around back at the bear. He called out to it and taunted it,so it wouldn't approach Silver and Scar. "Come on you big fat lump!" He growled and turned to run when the bear charged. He stopped once they were a distance way from the others. The bear kept charging. Mercury stood his ground. Hackles raised and teeth barred. "Scar! Silver! Get out now!" At the last moment,Mercury leapt up onto its back. He jumped off of it and rolled onto the ground. The bear,however,crashed into a tree head first from the momentum. Mercury sighed and stared at it from the ground. The bear was limp as well.
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` omega


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 1:43 pm

Dream: Silver sat confused, she could see Scar and Mercury, she called to them and howled and barked but still, they did not see her, her tail hung to the ground, Scar was calling her name and looked frantic, so Silver circled around her soon stopping as she had seen her own body. Silver looked down at herself, she was more transparent, as her solid body lay limp and bleeding with a furious looking gash on her side, the 4 long welts oozing blood as Scar tugged on her ear. Nothing seemed right, the wind blew the wrong way, the trees looked dark and dangerous from the home she had made with mercury and Scar before, like the world was much more dangerous to her eyes, like at any given moment another large bear would crash out and maul them all with a smile. Silver lay by her body as silent tears dripped from her eyes.
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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 5:48 pm

silver did not stir, and scar started crying uncontolably out of her good eye, even a few came out of her bad eye. she stood let go of silver ears and took off running as fast as she can and gathered up some leaves and some nearby moss and brought it back to silver and laid it on the seeping gashes. she didnt worry abought the bear no more last time she glimsped at it to check on mercury to make sure he was okay the bear lay still on the ground mercury looking at it. she took off to the lake and scooped up a mouth full of water, choking on it as a little went down her throat. it did nothing to sooth the rawness of her yapping and howling earlier. she brought the water to silver and dribbled some into her mouth washing away the bears blood and hopefully none of it was silvers. then she dribbled what was left down silvers throat caustius of not too much at one point so silver wouldnt drown. then she sat there weeping murmering to silver to come back. murmering so low only silver could hear if she was still there even. " please silver, dont leave me. you and mercury are all i got left. mercurys like my father and you are mother. i cant lose no one again." she weeped laying her head by silvers.
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` subordinate


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 6:52 pm

(...That escalated quickly)


Mercury sighed. He got up shakily,ignoring the screams of pain shooting up his leg. He padded over to the bear and evaluated its condition. Apparently,the tree had tipped a little,and the bears for head was gushing out blood. It looked bad,so it would probably die. He sighed and pinned his ears to his head. Then the throbbing came. Mercury gasped and stumbled around till he hit the ground. The drumming in his head was so forceful,it felt like he could almost hear it. He felt his vision blur. I-I can't. He tried to fight the oncoming wave of exhaustion and pain. His head throbbed even more. He groan,but it was low abd like a whisper. He muttered a curse and squeezed his eyes shut. He stood up again. This time stumbling sideways from time to time. His face had seemed darkened,and it was hard to see his eyes in the coming dusk. He grinded to a halt above Silver. Seeing the blood made his eyes roll back into his head,then collapse. He thought all the stress of deafeating the bear was on his shoulders,but he went out like a light,but he muttered something before fall unconscious. "Silver...Scar...No dying now..." He lay on his side,feeling the pain slowly numb,and being engulfed in darkness.
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` subordinate


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 7:07 pm

(yes.. it did)

scar jumpped up as mercury came stumbling over and collasped. she jumped over silver to him. " mercury?" she sniffed. " mercury?, wake up. come on. " she pushed mercury as she did silver. " wake up mercury!" she looked at him closely and he seemed as still as silver. were they both dead, or were they floating in darkness some were, heading toward a light mabye? scar backed up and pointed her nose to the sky howling in despair. with her legs shaking she collapsed between silver and mercury and weeped. she didnt know how long she did that but got up and sat there like a statue. her one eye was red from crying so much. she stood there on gaurd. if anything came she would tear its head off with her teeth and claws. she waited not knowing if either mercury or silver was still alive but waited to see if they would stir from their darkness or where ever they were.
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` omega


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 9:41 pm

Dream: Silver stared down at her translucent paws, they shimmered lightly, soon beginning to fade, she whined in panic and stood up, nothing worked, she soon fell into an unbearable darkness.

Life: A searing pain erupted in her side, a sharp yet weak whimper left her lips, her eyes struggled to pull open, but she failed, it was quiet, to quiet for her. Silver moved her paws and yelped sharply as the pain enhanced ten fold, her breathing shortened horrifically as she panted and worked for breath, her memory pounded into her head, remembering the bear and the claw marks in her side, she stopped moving and panted weakly.
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` subordinate


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 10:31 pm

scar jumped and turned around in surprize her musles aching from sitting still for so long. silver was moving she was breathing, she was alive! "silver!, your alive, dont move you'll hurt yourself" she didnt know what to do so she ran down to the lake and grab some moss not in too much of a hurry now she took the moss and put it in the water letting it soak the water up and came running back to silver in her rush she stumbled but didnt fall and brought the moss near silvers mouth telling her" herr" with the water soaked moss in her mouth. she kept flicking glances in mercurys direction, would he wake too?
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` subordinate


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2013, 11:12 pm


Darkness...All there was...A void,a deep pit of nothing. And a Silver form was falling. Maybe there was light at the end of the pit,maybe not. He felt nothing,and everything seemed stale,or numbed. As if it was hardly there. He gaped for a breath,but found none. His vision didn't fog up or disappear. He just felt like a fleeting conscious. Along in the big black world. His memories,his life didn't flash before his eyes. He felt like an empty shell. Like...He wasn't there himself. Yet at the edge of his slowly crumbling conscience,there was something. Something soothing and warm. It confused him in all it was. Fragments came. First his name,Mercury. His mom and dad,which flashed back in a crimson screen. Then it changed. A pack...a pack of mercenaries,led by him.
His eyes crinkled. He didn't miss that life,it was gone and over,and he didn't want it repeated. It then changed to another scene. So many flashed by,as he could register was grass,rocks,and all other kind of nature. Then it slowed down. A lake. Water sparkling at it's the surface. He blinked in surprise at himself. The warm feeling at the edge,grew bigger. Then a face appeared. It gave a big smile,as if it was the happiest thing in the world. His head tipped sideways.
Who would be happy to see me? He asked himself. It then faded and he scrambled towards it. He wanted to yell out,but the words seemed to not come out. He felt it,the warmth again. It made his chest tightened and ache.
Why? The question came,again. Though,he didn't get an answer,he fell,and closed his eyes in acceptance.

Searing pain. "Ugh..." A throbbing headache. "What the hell...?" The sun stung his eyes. His lungs burning from the pain of not having air. He coughed,and felt the metallic blood in his mouth flood this senses. His hazel eyes were narrowed and could barely register anything. All he saw was two blurs in black and white. No color seemed to come to his eyes. He gritted his teeth and struggled to sit up,but he dropped back onto the grass. His back was sore,and he just hurt it more from falling back. He moaned and rolled over onto his stomach. Hot pain flowed through his whole body. He sighed and closed his eyes. His feet stretched out. Nothing seemed out of place,yet his head just throbbed. He liked the warmness of the rising sun on his back. The ends of his mouth curved up slightly,he opened s hazel eyes and could see clearly this time. Scar and Silver lay there. Scar was crying,but looked like she was sobbing in happiness. Silver was stirring but was covered in blood. "Silver...?" His hazel eyes opened up a bit more. He swallowed as he stared back at her. The lines on his forehead grew long. "Are you alright?" He managed the words in a small whisper. He still felt weak,and none of anything would help at this point. He felt a drop of annoyance and irritation at the back of his head. His eye twitched. "Why are you just sitting there,Scar? Help her." He resumed his usual sour manner,but he was relieved to find the both alive and breathing he thought back to the void. The warm feeling. What was there? When it came,the ice in his veins seemed to crack. He bit the side of his mouth in frustration and sighed.
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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 9:22 am

scar herd it barerly but did, she turned toward mercury and cryed out with happyness, he was waking and looked in terranle pain. she laid the moss down besides silvers mouth and went running down to the lake and almost fell in trying to stop. she grabbed some more moss and put it in the water and ran back up to mercury holding it close to his mouth. " herr, drrnk" she said around the moss in her mouth. she kept glancing over to silver to make sure she still breathed.
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` omega


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 11:53 am

Silver drank weakly, soon whining with the effort it took just to lift her head, she put her head down and closed her eyes, letting the feeling of the hot sticky blood stick to her fur as she mumbled "Scar...did you get hurt?" Silver tensed her neck mussels and whined loudly with the effort of lifting her head, once finally moving to be able to rest and watch Scar and Mercury, seeing Mercury still alive, she gave a weak wag of her tail and could not help but smile, even as each of these simple movements brought her great pain.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 5:13 pm

scar turned toward silvers voice and saw her trying too move, and then speak asking if she was okay. she set the moss down pretty much in mercurys mouth and she went over a little " yes im fine stop moving you'll hurt yourself more. " she took her moss and went and got some more water in it and brought it back up and laid it right by her mouth close to where she shouldnt have to life her head quit. then she went and got some more moss with water and eased it down on her side trying to wash away some of the blood. she kept glancing over at mercury once again. and flicking her eyes at silver she didnt know anything too use that would ease her pain.
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` omega


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The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 32 Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 7:11 pm

Silver gasped sharply as the water cleaned the cut but also brought burning stinging pain with it, she panted roughly as her eyesight grew blurry again, the pain to intense for her to handle as she whined.
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