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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2013, 9:20 pm


Mercury watched as Scar and Silver interacted,but when Scar dropped the moss in his mouth he coughed it out. He licked his muzzle and sighed. "One of you will be the end of me..." He mumbled. Then Silver cringed at the pain. Mercury felt worry eat at his heart. "Scar,don't wash away all her blood. We'll need to wrap her up so she won't bleed."
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` omega


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2013, 4:41 am

Silver looked at Mercury and smiled softly before her face twisted in pain, she moved slowly as small whines left her lips, finally managing to sit up, Silver worked on turning to the side with the cuts but gasped and fell back as a large amount of blood spilled from her side, her attempt to clean the cut herself failing when she could not bend herself to get close enough to the large gashes, so instead she looked at Mercury as her ears were pinned back against her head. Nothing had turned out as good as she hopped, Mercury was exhausted and she herself had gotten mauled by an angry bear while soon being tended to by a pup, she lifted her head and nuzzled Scar lightly before putting her head down and panting in exhaustion before she finally spoke "Scar...the cut is need to stop the bleeding" Silver panted even harder with the effort of just talking, her eyes stared up at the trees pleadingly as she wished the pain away.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2013, 1:42 pm

Mercury sighed. Watching Silver contort her face in pain. He took a deep breath and sat up. It hurt,a lot,but he managed to crawled over to Silver. "Scar,go rest,all of this must have made you tired." He glanced down at her wounds. He then started licking around them. Once done,his mouth tasted like blood. He flinched at the thought of it was Silver's. "Rest,don't get up." He bent over and stared into her eyes. "And don't do anything,ok?"
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` omega


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2013, 1:48 pm

Silver flicked her ears then flattened them on her head as she nodded weakly at mercury, her breathing very labored and harsh as she went still and did her best to not flinch when he had licked the wound, her ears were pounding as her head throbbed with a massive headache, her fur matted with blood while her once very bright eyes dimmed down to a dull almost grey lifeless color.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 12th 2013, 5:07 pm

scar felt tired but she refused to leave more than a few feet from silver. she sat there and watched as mercury cleaned her wounds. she didnt do it right it seemed mercury said not too wash away all of silvers blood but she tried to get her fur unmastted from it her ears drooped with sadness, she couldnt do much right. she sat there and started to think of what to do mercuery was going to hurt him self in some way. she thought and then took off running. she ran into some tress and looked for tall grass some wide ferms anything that could hold back the blood. she grab some dryed moss and with the other stuff took it to the lake gave it a quick rinse of dirt shook it to fling the water back and brought iit over to mercury and set it down and backed away. she got down on her belly the few feet away and layed there looking at silvers eyes as they seemed to pretty much lose all there color. she looked like a stranger to scar but she knew it was still silver in there.
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` subordinate


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2013, 2:16 am


Mercury silently stared back into the dull lifeless eyes. He swallowed a bit of remorse for himself. Then touched noses with the fae. "I said rest." He stared back at the eyes silently. Not actually noticing Scar trying to help by bringing back some moss.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2013, 7:11 am

Scar lets out a little bark trying to get mercury to notice the things she brought back. she wanted silver to be okay but she didn't know if she would be.
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` omega


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2013, 11:39 am

Silver whined softly before finally putting her head on her paws and closing her eyes, breathing in and out slowly to ease the pain as best she could, tho she knew it would not help much, she waited for Mercury to do what he needed.
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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2013, 1:11 pm


Mercury turned to Scar's barking once Silver had started to try and rest. He noticed the small clump of moss ad nodded to the pup. He picked it up with his teeth,then stood over Silver. He wondered how to approach this. He then gingerly set it over the wounds. Trying not to hurt Silver at all. Mercury sighed and collapsed on his bum. His muscles and bones still ached with a pain that made him grit his teeth to keep from yelping. He then gently laid down on his stomach and set his head in s paws. He snuggled up beside Silver to keep her warm. He glanced over at Scar. He barked,signaling that she could join in the warmth.
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` subordinate


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 17th 2013, 7:39 pm

scar took a step foward then dashed off into the woods. she went in a little farther and sniffed the air useing what ilver taught her so far and tried to singal out a scent from the others. she she recagnized one that was rabbit and went to follow it. soon she seen a rabbit up ahead and she krept slowly foward on her belly. when she got cloe enough and was keeping her good eye on things all around she got ready to jump. just then a sound snapped on the other side of the rabbit and it started to dash her way right into her waiting paws. it went to vear around but she jumped after it paws wrapping around it as jaws closed around its neck. It twitched in her mouth for a few seconds before it stilled. she took it happily back too silver and mercury and layed it down my mercury. she nudged him gently and barked happily, "food!?" She backed up and sat down a few feet a respective distance for why she did it she didnt know.
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` beta



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The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:06 pm

( may I join?)

snake walked forward and looked back to morfia. " we are here. rabbit lake, its a great place." he said smileing"
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:15 pm

Morfia walked beside Snake her pregnant belly was growing as the days went on she smiled as well "It looks beautiful and it seems a great place to raise the pups. You were so right and she licked his muzzle.
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` subordinate


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:23 pm

(Yeah go ahead. BTW,this is a pack territory,well kinda,consider joining alright?)


Mercury watched as Scar jumped off he took a deep breath and sighed. His muscles didn't feel as sore as they used to. He struggled upward and padded to the lake. Thinking the water might soothe his sores a bit with the cold. He stared at the water before slipping in. His appearance didn't look any different. He cocked his head and frowned at himself. He then dive into the lake. Washing off Silver's blood. He felt his chest tightens in the water.
His legs moved evenly,till his chest felt like it would burst. He swam upwards and took a deep breath. Now keeping his head above the surface he swam around. Feeling his muscles burn from the exercise,but it did soothe his inner pain. He took a deep breath if the clean air and sighed again, not noticing the two other wolves that had arrived there.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:29 pm

( I just posted to join.)

snake licked morfias head. " ill go ahead and see if there is a pack here. you stay and rest, ill bring you back something to eat, ok?" he said as he walked to the lake. he bent his head down to get a drink and noticed a wolf. he brought his head back up. "excuse me sir, but is there a pack here? I wish to join a pack here, and so does my mate." he said to the male swimming making himself appear smaller than he is. (snake is making himself smaller [to avoid confusion].)
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:37 pm

(so did I)

Morfia rested her paws as she sat. Her and Snake's pups were kicking in her belly she was hungry, they were hungry. She watched as Snake was talking to another wolf.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 1:45 pm

snake looked back at morfia. he looked to the lake and walked around it. he spotted a rabbit and bit down on its neck. he ran back to morfia with it and set it down. he ran back to the lake and looked to the wolf. he cocked his head, and looked back at morfia. he smiled and looked back at the lake. "maybe this is an alpha!" he thought happily.
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 2:01 pm

Morfia savored the taste of rabbit in her mouth eating it slowly so her and her pups would enjoy it. She looked up from the rabbit carcass and smiled and said a silent thank you to Snake who was maybe talking to the alpha of the pack.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 2:06 pm

snake sighed. he dipped a paw in the water and dipped his head down and drank some water.
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` subordinate


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 2:34 pm


Mercury glanced up at the wolf on shore. He let a growl emerge in his throat. He swam over and stood in the shallow. In front of the other male. "Yes,we are a pack. You are?" His words had a bit of a wary tone. Though,he did his best to shove his growl down his throat. The prospect of new memebers gave his chest a bit of pride,yet he was unsure about the situation. Dark Maw had left before,and so had Fenris.
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 2:42 pm

" I am snake. me and my mate wish to join your pack." snake said as he submitted, the wolfs position suggested that he was alpha. snake looked back to morfia, she was eating the rabbit he gave her. he sat down. " if I may ask, are you the alpha?" he said.
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` subordinate


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 2:51 pm


Mercury clicked his tongue. Then turned to look at the other wolf. He nodded,then unarmed back to the wolf. "I am,nice to meet you Snake. I'm Mercury by the way."
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` beta



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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 2:57 pm

" very glad to meet you! now, please excuse me. I need to go check on morfia." he said as he turned and walked to morfia. " we are part of a pack now." he said as he lay next to her. he licked her head. " are you hungry?" he asked.
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` subordinate


~Shadow devourer~

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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 3:01 pm

Scar sat defensively by silver and watched as two new wolves entered the area. Mercury was talking to them and she despertaky wanted to go over and see what was going on but she stayed by silvers side to keep guard over her with her one good eye.
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` dispersal


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 3:04 pm

Morfia watched as Snake and the alpha were talking she got unsteadily to her feet as Snake walked towards her. When Snake asked if she was hungry she said "No I am fine how did you get on?"
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` subordinate


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PostSubject: Re: The Silver Shine pack   The Silver Shine pack - Page 33 Icon_minitimeOctober 18th 2013, 3:05 pm


Mercury nodded and watched as the Snake approached his mate Morfia. He then turned to look for Silver and Scar. He ran back to the them and sighed. He sat down and stared at Silver. The wounds had clotted up,but she would be sore,and would probably tear open the scabs of she moved around too much. He bit his ip Acd turned to Scar. She kept sitting away from them. He sighed and patted the ground beside him for her sit. "Come on Scar,it's fine."
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